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Datica Customer Spotlight

Arcadia Healthcare Solutions brings value-based performance management to the healthcare organizations changing the industry

Of healthcare’s structural problems, connecting data in the absence of sufficient standards looms large. By stepping in to fill the gap as a trusted connector, Boston-based Arcadia Healthcare Solutions is a leader at solving the massive data problems in healthcare that prevent both big and small organizations from having a meaningful impact.

Data is the foundation of healthcare's future. To be successful in a transition from a service-based to value-based care system, a strong foundation of EHR data enhanced by claims is required, and that starts with being a trusted connector of high quality data.
Greg Chittim
Greg Chittim

Vice President of Strategic Operations

The Right Mix of Experience and Progressiveness

Arcadia believes their unique perspective gives them an advantageous position. Many of the health tech companies from the early 2000s are now gone, from either poor business models or dried up federal funding as Meaningful Use phases out. Meanwhile, venture capital has committed the highest amount of investment into startups the industry has seen in over a decade, leading to a surplus of small companies with big ambitions but little experience.

With 20 years of experience, Arcadia has seen the many phases of healthcare technology and have a trusted veteran viewpoint, yet pride themselves on a commitment to the state of the art in technology and user experience.

“We are a technology-first organization, but with the healthcare expertise to make that technology work in the real workflow of a provider office. A big reason for our trusted partnership is our commitment to usable technology,” said Chittim.


Finding Meaning in Data

One of the greatest challenges still in front of healthcare is finding meaning in the data that it is creating. As Arcadia steps in to build strong connectors in the absence of standards, they see an opportunity to help make sense of the data it is connecting.

“To do real population health, you need significant connectivity both in the number of sources, the depth of information from those sources, and the quality of data you are integration,” said Chittim. “We see ourselves as solving system-level problems at connecting and interpreting data, which will help our clients achieve the national imperative for higher quality, lower cost patient care.”