How can technology improve patient care and reduce costs?

Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer
That’s the most important question clinicians are asking themselves in a post-EHR world where patients have supercomputers in their pockets, and they expect the same high-quality, on-demand experiences the Apples, Googles, Amazons, and Facebooks give them.
A world where doctors are spending more time looking at a screen than engaging with the patient.
A world where wearables are creating a glut of data, some useful but most of it useless, and none of it fits into the EHR seamlessly.
But especially a world where innovators and entrepreneurs have never been more equipped with ideas, access to funding, and technology doubling in power every few years. These innovators are poised to help transform healthcare, but something in the industry, something in the system is slowing them down or holding them back.
Datica explored the question of “how does technology actually make an impact?” in a series of interviews with influential thinkers and doers. The result is a publication of essays called, “Rethinking Healthcare Technology.” We invite you to take a look at our interactive thought leadership gallery for insights from:

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