The Datica book, "Complete Cloud Compliance", is now available!

Datica Alumni — Former Chief Marketing Officer
I’m thrilled to share the final version of our book, Complete Cloud Compliance with you all.
The book makes an ideal holiday gift for friends and family who need to learn how healthcare data and compliance in a post-cloud world will empower digital transformation in the biggest industry in the world.😉
All copies of the book will be sold at-cost. That means we are making zero profit via these retailers. The decision was pretty straight-forward for us: The ideas in this book are meant to be shared in order to help advance digital health success, and not meant to make money. Long-time followers of Datica (and Catalyze, our first incarnation) will know that transparency and a sincere desire for your success are our central tenets.
Back when we started the process of writing a book, we knew little about publishing. It is a fascinating world. Ultimately, we elected to go with an on-demand publisher; Blurb proved to be the best quality. We went this route because we knew content iterations were going to be a key to releasing a final version worthy of the healthcare community. It worked as planned—once the “first draft” was printed in September, we went through two more drafts as we collected feedback from friends and industry experts, including the CSPs and the HITRUST Alliance itself. The eventual “final version” being sold through online retailers is what we have been calling “v1.2” and is much improved from the first September publication — well over 200 different edits. We are eternally grateful for the feedback we received over the last several months, especially from Dr. Bryan Cline of the HITRUST Alliance, and Hector Rodriguez, Microsoft Worldwide Healthcare CISO, who wrote the foreword.
Because we went with an on-demand publisher, the prices listed are the actual cost of one-off prints for both hardcover (directly via Blurb itself) and softcover (via Amazon and B&N). Datica wasn’t in a position to purchase 10,000 copies via an offset printer and then manage warehouse distribution, so this balance was worth it. If anyone is curious to learn more about the self-publishing game, feel free to email me at
We love feedback. For those who buy the book, please let us know what you think! I’m always happy to receive an email or take a phone call. I envision a “v1.3” being released later next year after enough feedback has rolled in.
Why you must read this book
If you are interested in making healthcare better by enabling the industry’s triple aim — lower costs, better outcomes, better experience — then this book it is for you. Whether you’re an entrepreneur just starting out or you are a part of a large organization that wants to compete in the rapidly emerging new world order of data driven healthcare, this book will give you a framework and approach to unblocking the cloud and ultimately provide you and your organization a path to digital transformation.
The biggest challenge for healthcare workloads on the cloud comes down to confusion between engineers and compliance officers. Many engineers don’t have full command of how compliance really works, or how to visualize the path to attaining compliance. Meanwhile, most compliance officers lack the engineering depth to keep pace with the rapid changes in the world of cloud technology—so are unsure how to successfully leverage the cloud in their programs.
The result are a lot of engineering teams who think they are compliant, but they aren’t, and will find out to their detriment when they undergo risk assessments and audits. Or, we find compliance officers who are unsure of the cloud enough that they bar it from internal adoption. Both cases are not advancing the success of digital health.
The book is written to bridge that divide.
Engineers will be taught the fundamentals of compliance so that they will be true experts by the end of the 112 pages. Compliance owners will be taught the basics of the cloud (and post-cloud world) so that they can feel confident enacting an internal compliance program that empowers the cloud.
Thank you for giving the book a chance, and for giving it a read!
Complete Cloud Compliance is available now in softcover and hardcover.